Research Projects Completed from 2004-05 to 2019-20





I)        Development of modified CROS hearing aid with indigenous technology for the benefit

          of persons with hearing handicap

                               Principal Investigator  :         Mr. A.K. Sinha          


II)       Mother’s Training Programme

                               Principal Investigator  :         Ms. John D’ Mello                                                                                                                           

III)      Developing modified school text books for children with hearing impairment

                               Principal Investigator  :         Mrs. V. Gathoo                              

Co-Investigator          :         Ms. Rekha More                                        


IV)      Gender differences in providing rehabilitation services to persons with hearing


                               Principal Investigator  :         Mr. N.G.Suresh                              

Co-Investigator          :         Ms. Jayshree Rathod                              


V)       Follow up study of children attending Parent-Infant-Programme

                               Principal Investigator  :         Mrs. Aparna Nandurkar               

Co-Investigator          :         Mrs. Anuradha Bantwal                                                  

VI)      Disability line for the Persons with Disabilities

                               Principal Investigator  :         Mr. N. Karthikeyan                        

Co-Investigator          :         Mr. P.M. Mathew                                                  

VII)     Brain Drain!... Is it affecting speech and hearing services in India.

                               Principal Investigator  :         Mrs. S. Nambiar                                                                        Co-Investigator          :         Mrs. Urmi Shah                                                  

VIII)    Assessment of Etiological Factors for Conductive Hearing Loss in Municipal School

          Children in Mumbai.

                               Principal Investigator  :         Dr. Kamal Parasram                 

Co-Investigator          :         Mr. Rajiv Jalvi                                         

IX)      Development of software and conventional kit of ‘Language Improvement Indicator’ – an educationally relevant language assessment tool to be used for teachers of the students with hearing impairment

                               Principal Investigator  :         Dr. Asmita Huddar



                     COMPLETED RESEARCH PROJECTS DURING 2006-07


I)        A study of relationship between language development and academic performance in                children with hearing impairment

                                                  Principal Investigator    :                                     Mr.S.G.R.Prakash                                                   Co-Investigator           :     Mrs. Shanti Prakash                                                          

II)       Preparation of Audio-Video CDs for Micro Teaching

                                                  Principal Investigator    :   Mrs.Shanthi Prakash                                                                                                                                                                                                       

III)      Standardization of Indian Adaptation of Grammatical Analysis of Elicited  Language Pre                           sentence Level (GAEL-P) Test in  Marathi.

                                                  Principal Investigator     :   Mrs. Varsha Gathoo

                                                  Co-Investigator             :   Mrs. Smita Pais


IV)      Cohort Study

                                                  Principal Investigator    :                                     Dr.Geeta Rao


V)       Online Hearing Screening

                                                   Principal Investigator  :         Dr. Vijayalakshmi Basavaraj

                                                   Co-Investigators        :          Mr. Rajiv Jalvi

                                                                                            Mr. P.J.Mathew Martin


VI)      Knowledge of Language Facilitating Skills in Trained and Untrained Parents of the Hearing Impaired Children - A Comparative Study

                                                   Principal Investigator  :          Ms. Joan  D’Mello

                                                   Co-Investigator                    :          Mrs. V.A. Jyothi


VII)     A Comparative study of stress  and coping among parents of children with hearing impairment and normal hearing.

                                                  Principal Investigator     :   Dr. Krishnamurthy



I) Socio Economic Impact and Additional Cost Incurred in the upbringing of Persons

   with  Hearing Impairment in India

             Principal Investigator              :Mr.N.Karthikeyan

             Co-Investigators                    :Mr. Rajeev Jalvi

                                                         Mr. N. Ganesh

                                                         Mr. P.J. Mathew Martin                                              

             This research project aimed at conducting comparative study of the cost involved in the upbringing of persons with hearing impairment in India as against people without hearing impairment.  Loss of hearing leads to a devastating effect, no matter when it affects a person. The impact is pronounced when a person is unable to hear from birth or early childhood.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

             It is known that the type, degree, and age of onset of hearing loss are primary factors that determine the extent of its impact on the person affected.  However, where equitable services are not accessible, secondary factors such as gender, rural-urban divide, cost of quality of services, use of suitable technology, cost of transport, knowledge of service facilities and their outcomes tend to alter the life of person with hearing impairment.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

             Therefore, cost of bringing up a person with hearing disability is much higher and strategies for inclusion should address both primary as well as secondary factors that contribute to the actual impact of hearing impairment in one’s life.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

             The sample for the study includes persons with hearing impairment having identification age below 15 years and   below 30 years of age during data collection. They belong to all 4 regions of India.  Interview method was used to collect the samples by each research assistants. The time duration for interview varied from 20 to 30 minutes for each sample. The samples selected belonged to families belonging to three basic income categories, based on the color of the ration card, issued by respective State Govts.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

             Samples were taken from the type of families from regions in north, west, east and southern parts of India.  The total sample consists of 1080 persons. The data analysis work has been completed and the report is being finalized for publication. The report with remarkable in-depth insight into the additional costs involved in bringing up of a person with hearing disability will be published soon.




            Following are some of the findings of the project -


             1.  The additional cost involved in bringing up of a hearing impaired child in terms of ‘Physical rehabilitation’ is Rs.9669/-.


             2.  The additional cost involved in ‘physical and educational rehabilitation’ is Rs.6129/- per year by a family in bringing up of a hearing impaired child as compared to a child without hearing impairment.  This is 2.5 times more than that required to bring up a child without hearing impairment.


             3.  Expenditure on education of children with hearing impairment in India is lower than those of ‘normal hearing children’ in all the age ranges.  There are some reasons for this. The disabled children go to special schools run by NGOs and Government where the fees are low, whereas the ‘normal hearing children go to private schools where fees are high. ‘Normal hearing schools’ avoid admitting hearing impaired children. Hearing impaired children get concessions in fees.  For ‘Normal hearing children’ parents engage private tutors, but for hearing impaired children there are no private tutors available.  ‘Normal hearing children’ attend coaching classes but hearing impaired children are not admitted to such classes.                                                             



   II)      Hindi Learning Package. The project is funded by Science & Technology Mission Mode, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India


                                                  Principal Investigator    :     Mrs. Usha Dalvi

                                                  Co-Investigator           :     Mrs. Sadhana Relekar

             The aim of the project was to develop booklets in Hindi language in three sets viz., Varnasansar (3 booklets), Shabda Sansar (15 booklets) and Vakya Sansar (5 booklets) to facilitate the learning of the various aspects of phonological, syntactic and semantic rules of the Hindi language in children with hearing impairment and other language disordered children. Under this project 23 booklets and five CDs are developed.                                                     


  III)      Creation of Database of Organisations Working for the Persons with Disabilities in India            


                                                  Principal Investigator    :     Mr. N. Karthikeyan

                                                  Co-Investigator           :     Mr. Arun Kalbage


People and persons with disabilities need to know where they can get education, vocational

training and assistance for employment, etc. The database will be useful for general public,

persons with disabilities, parents, rehabilitation professionals, policy makers, planners and

implementers of welfare and development programmes.  Information was collected by writing

to organisations, schools, social welfare departments of states, State Disability Commissioners,

etc.  387 organisations have furnished the information and the same is compiled.


   IV)      A Survey of Role and Services Rendered by the Social Worker in Schools of Children with Hearing Impairment as Perceived by Parents and Other Professionals


                    Principal Investigator :Ms. Rekha More        


             The objectives of the Project are -  to study (i) the role of the social worker in special schools; (ii) various services rendered by social workers in special schools in Maharashtra; (iii) the views of the school principals about the nature of the work of the social worker employed and  (iv)  how these social workers communicate with children with hearing impairment. Some of the findings of the project are given below -                                                                                                                                                                     

             1) Among social workers, 90% had Master of Social Worker degree and 93% had more than 8 years experience.                                                                                                                                                                      

             2) They help to create awareness among society, raise funds and in integration of children with hearing impairment in regular schools.                                                                                                                                         

             3) In the role of counselor, the social worker counsels children with hearing impairment as well as teachers and parents.  He/she informs students, teachers and parents about different schemes of government.                                                                                                                                                                            

             4) The roles of social workers as self-learners also emerged during the study.  This initiative has helped them to work as an educational assistant in the special schools.                                                                                                                                                                         

             5) Social workers from special schools network  with other institutes and other professionals.                                                                                                                                                                                            6) The study recommends that there should be an evaluation of the work,  on the job training for upgradation of skills,  and suitable encouragement from authorities.           







      I)      Deafness in India : A Network Mission Towards Understanding the Genes & Mutations and their Clinical Outcomes. The Project is funded by  Dept. of Bio-Technology, Govt. of India (Multicentric study being  done in collaboration with JNCASR, Bangalore, MAMC, New Delhi and PGIBMS, Chennai)

                                                         Investigators                 :                                                  Mr.R.Rangasayee

                                                                                                            :                                                  Dr.Anuranjan Anand

                                                                 Co-Investigator             :     Dr. Kamal Parasram

               It is a service based project to initiate genetic screening programme  in the country to bridge the gap between deafness gene discoveries  and application of genetic information to improve diagnosis, rehabilitation, management and prevention  of hearing impairment. This project is taken up with the following objectives -

          To create detailed data base of the deafness gene mutations by using modern technology;

          To develop cost-effective,sensitive and non invasive technologies for such diagnosis;

          To study the nature of Cx 26 & TMC1 mutations in India including their prevalence, audiological consequences & differential clinical correlates;

          To build up an easily accessible data base that will be useful for the purpose of accurate and high quality genetic counselling services and training of professionals in this area.

             Progress made during the reporting year is given below -

               Four new mutations of known genes have been identified.  The study has given lead to prevention of Non syndromic Deafness in India.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      


  II) Screening of Hearing in Infants - A Pilot Project (SHIP)

                                                          Investigator               :      Dr. Vijayalakshmi Basavaraj                                    Co-Investigators                  :     Ms. Aparna Nandurkar                                                                                                 Dr. Ruchi Nanavati                                                                                                                                           

                     The project was conducted from 2005 to 2007 and subsequently extended to 2008 to suggest a cost effective newborn screening module for identifying children with severe to profound hearing loss in the country.  A total of 1238 infants were enrolled in screening at KEM hospital, Mumbai with an age range of 0 – 6.5 months among which 1020 were identified as high risk infants whereas the rest 218 were identified as no-risk infants according to the Joint Committee on Infant Hearing (2000) criteria. Screening was carried out by three different techniques (Behavioral, TEOAE, ABR) and three different personnel.

For the high-risk group, sensitivity and specificity of behavioral screening technique for

identifying severe to profound hearing loss in infants has been found to be 100 % for all the

screening personnel: mother, nurse and audiologist.  It was found that a prevalence rate of

1.61 is seen for profound hearing loss in a population of 1000 high-risk infants in India.  For a

country like India, where facilities for using sophisticated instrumentation are not available at

many places and trained personnel are not placed at smaller clinics and centers in small towns,

a feasible option would be to implement a three-tier screening module for identifying infants

with severe to profound hearing impairment, such as the one outlined below.


Initial behavioral screening by the mother/caregiver, which may be extended to an anganwadi

worker, a dai or a community worker


TEOAE screening by nurse at local PHC or hospital using automated equipment Refer to

audiologist for further assessment                                  


III)  Development of Study Materials for B.Ed.(H.I.) Trainee Teachers

                                                          Investigator               :                                           Dr.Arun Banik

                                                          Co-Investigator         :                                           Mrs.Balaka Mitra      


             Considering the needs of the teachers of children with  hearing impairment, a project on ‘Development of study material for B.Ed(H.I) trainees’,  has been under taken.


             The study materials focus on giving relevant, recent information facilitating self-study and management  skills in student trainees. Under this project,  five text book materials have been compiled for B.Ed. (HI) teacher trainees in English as an outcome of the project.  All the material is now ready for printing with minor modification and editing as well.  Further, the material is also available in CD form.      






I)  Conduct Problems among Children with Hearing Impairment in Specia Schools


                     Investigator                         -  Mrs. Alka Sapru-Joshi

                     Co-Investigator                               -  Dr. Geeta Rao


              The project was undertaken in order to establish the ‘risk rate’ of Conduct Disorder, the frequency of occurrence of particular conduct problems and to shed light on the socio-demographic and audiological correlates of those conduct problems among 5 to 18 year old children and adolescents with hearing impairment. 


             A sample of students (male - 316; female - 202) were rated by 113 teachers (male - 12; female - 101) with an average of 17.5 years of teaching experience on the Conduct Disorder Scale (Gilliam, 2002).  The number of children / adolescents identified as being at risk of Conduct Disorder was established at 27 i.e. 5.21% of the sample with a female to male ratio of 1:5.75.  The majority i.e. 12 (44.44%) fell in the age range by 13.1 years to 17.9 years.  It was observed that 22.73% were only children and 59.09% were found to be first born.  Congenital loss was reported in 75% as against acquired loss in 25%.  Sensori-neural hearing loss was seen in 60% while 40% reportedly have mixed hearing loss.   


             Since many variables could not be analyzed statistically due to  very small sub sample of students identified as ‘at-risk’, a frequency tabulation was done to establish the most commonly encountered conduct problems.  The five problems most frequently cited by teachers were established as:


                     ·         Argues with adults

                     ·         Starts fights

                     ·         Blames others for his or her mistakes or misbehaviours

                     ·         Creates disturbances

                     ·         Deliberately annoys people


             Given the fact that patterns of behaviours acquired early in life tend to persist or exacerbate, mental health workers, and educators of youngsters with hearing impairment need to work on evolving intervention approaches and strategies to minimize the occurrence and sequel of conduct disorders.



   II)    Profile of Post Training Activities of Rehabilitation Professional with Reference to Persons with Hearing Impairment in India in the last Five Years


                     Investigator                         -   Mr. R. Rangasayee


            The aim of the study was to collect information on the current occupation, current salary, job security, use of technology, social status associated with profession, level of burnout in professionals who deal with hearing impairment and communication disorder.


             A Research tool was constructed for collecting details of demographic data in terms of age, sex, contact no., email, gender, current working state. 380 professionals were interviewed for the purposes of the study.  The following are the results:


             Current occupation -

             55% of the professionals are employed in NGOs, 20% in Govt.,   5% in academic institutions & remaining 20% in other activities.  While 40% are salaried, 8% are self employed, 20% are freelancing, 4% in research oriented work, and 28% engaged in other activities.

             50% hold contract positions, 30% are permanent employees, 16% work part time, 4% serve as visiting faculty.


             Monthly income -

             Most of the professionals (57%) earn Rs.3000-10000/-,  while 11% are in the lower income group with less than Rs.3000 as their monthly income.  11% earn 10000-20000, 20% earn between Rs.20000-40000/-, 1% earn above 40000/-.


             Computer facility -

             These are available to about 76% for their professional activities.


             Savings -

             A sizable number of professionals (76%) think that their salary is not commensurate with their training as compared with those of other professions who undergo the same years of training.  35% of them save less than 6% of their salary on a monthly basis.  While savings of 6-10% are made by 7% of professionals, 11% - 30% savings are made by 47% of professionals.  The remaining save above 30%.


             Job satisfaction  -

             Only 27% of these persons are satisfied professionally.  Remaining 73% are not fully satisfied.  Of this, 18% feel stressed due to the nature of their jobs.  Further, merely 43% feel that their job enhanced their status and 42% recommend the profession to others.


             It is inferred that there is need to improve the satisfaction of professionals in terms of salary and other facilities.


 III.    Development of Low Cost Noise Level Indicator with Audio Visual Alarms


                     Investigator                         -  Dr. S.G.R. Prakash

                     Co-Investigator                    -  Mr. P. Jeethendra  



Children in an Inclusive education setup find the noise as a big barrier in the learning process, and acquisition of the literacy skills. Noise affects the real time learning environment during the teaching by the teacher in the classroom. This noise is created in the classroom by the students and other sources in the school. Noise also increases the stress on the teacher to teach efficiently in the noisy environment.

To find out how much of the noise is there in the surrounding environment and maintain the noise levels to a desired level, the noise can be measured using  Sound Level Meters but these would work out costly if equipped in  every classroom. Hence the objective of this project was :

•    To develop a simple, low cost,  low maintenance, high visibility, scientific device for monitoring the noise in the inclusive classroom which will help in creating an enhanced learning environment for the students with normal hearing and students with hearing impairment and reduce the stress levels of the teacher.


The researchers at AYJNIHH – SRC have designed and developed a Low Cost Noise Level Indicator. This Noise level Indicator has been developed by using  locally available electronic  components with in-house design of the circuitry at SRC – Secunderabad.


The Noise level indicator has three stages -  a. Noise Acquisition,     b. Filtering and Amplification and

c. Triggering and visual representation.


Features and description of NLI -                                                                                                                      

•    Power requirements   - 230 V , 50 Hz ac supply

•    Power consumption    - Less than 10 W monthly

•    Weight of the kit        -  About  one KG, wall hanging type with three bulbs preferably 10W each

•    This is a 230 V, 50 Hz, AC operated device and care should be taken while opening the kit, as it may give electric shock.

•    NLI is intended to measure the noise levels from 50dBSPL – 100dBSPL.

•    The unit can also be set for pre determined level depending on the purpose, e.g. in the classroom, the levels can be varied at different level in the range of 50 to 100 dB level.

•    This can be used at three different predetermined intensity levels

•    Indicates the visual  alarm using  three indicator bulbs


Costing of the NLI


•    The cost of production of each unit  would be approx. Rs.1300 in single piece manufacturing

•    If orders are taken in bulk (around 100) the cost can be brought down to 15% less.


Other applications - This can be used as :

•    Noise measurement tool at various traffic junctions

•    In libraries for maintaining the noise levels

•    To remotely observe the noise levels by placing the microphone in the area where noise is to be measured and connecting it to the device where it has to be monitored

•    Voice therapy cases in loudness enhancing techniques

•    In work places -  shows employees when it is time to wear hearing protection. The use of the warning sign helps to attract attention

•    In Hospitals, Offices and Call centres to give staff an unbiased view of the noise levels they are creating, using strategically placed devices

•    Warning signs gives a direct unavoidable message - reduce your noise

      •   In pubs and clubs can be used as warning device.




      I)      Development of training packages in three trades at ITI level for persons with  hearing impairment                                                                                                                                                                                                          

                     Investigator                         -  Mr. R. Bhattacharya

                     Duration of the Project          -  3 years

             The Socio Economic Rehabilitation Department (SERD) undertook a  Research Project titled “Development of Training Packages (Theory Subjects) in three trades at ITI level for the trainees with Hearing Impairment” with the objective to develop Courseware to improve vocational training programmes for Hearing Impaired by way of developing series of training packages and in turn enhance employment opportunities for them.


             The Training packages included Courseware development (Theory) ‘Documentation of functional vocabulary, Development of self-evaluation material, Model Questions ,answers, Question Bank,  instructor’s manual in multimedia format containing Video clips, Power point presentations and Animations for better understanding of the student. 


             The pilot module was field tested and finalized. The project was completed in Dec -2011 and the Academic Committee in its meeting held on 10th Feb 2012 accepted completed proto type of the project and advised to get multiple copies for distribution to ITIs through Directorate General of Employment and Training   (DGET) and  State Technical Education Boards.   


    II)      Aphasia Diagnostic Battery in Indian Sign Language - An Adapted Version of the Western Aphasia Battery


                     Investigator                         -  Dr. Gouri Shankar Patil

                     Co-Investigator                    -  Mr. R. Rangasayee

                                                                 Dr. Geetha Mukundan


             Aim of the project is to  develop a test for diagnosis of aphasia in users of Indian Sign Language by suitable adaptation of the Western Aphasia Battery (Kertesz & Poole, 1974). The test will assist in determining the presence of aphasia and its subtypes in users of Indian Sign Language.

             Project was completed and the report is finalised.          


     III)  Psycho - Social Profile of Persons with Hearing Impairment


                     Investigator                         -  Mrs. Alka Sapru-Joshi

                     Co-Investigator                    -  Dr. Geeta Rao       

                                                                 Dr. Sadhana Deshmukh


             Hearing impairment is one among many physical impairments that impacts the affected individual’s development and learning. Primarily, it causes language delay and deficit in communication ability.  It affects self image, personality development and adjustments.  These psycho-social difficulties can persist through childhood into later stages of life.  This study is being undertaken as there is  paucity of research in this area in the Indian context.  Objectives of the project are to study and profile the psychosocial status and problems of children, adolescents and adults with hearing impairment.  The project was completed and the report preparation is under progress.





I)        Developing and  Standardizing a Test of School Readiness (TSR) for Children with Hearing Impairment


                     Investigator                         -  Dr. Varsha Gathoo

                     Co-Investigator                               -  Dr. Suni Mariam Mathew        


          The objective of the project is to develop a Test of School Readiness (TSR) to assess the readiness skills of children with hearing impairment, which are essential for formal primary school in different educational setups. During the reporting year following progress was made -


                      The test-retest reliability of the students of TSR has been drawn.  The scroes obtained range from 0.7 to 0.9 and hence all the subtests of TSR have been found to be reliable. 




I)         Development of Normative Database in Adults for the Motor Speech Profile 

          (A collaborated project - Wholly funded by AIISH Research Fund, AIISH,



                     Principal Investigators -  Dr. Gouri Shanker Patil

                     Co-Investigator          -  Prof. R. Manjula, Head, Dept. of Speech-Language

                                                                 Pathology, AIISH, Mysore


          Objective of the project  -


          To develop normative database for the features of motor speech profile software for age groups between 20-60 years in 400 persons.



          Outcome of the project


           The project outcome established norms for the Motor Speech Profile for age groups of 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, and 50-60 years for both males and females. This will serve as reference to distinguish abnormal profile usually seen in persons with dysarthria/aphasia/apraxia of speech from the non brain damaged speakers. The database is being used in for clinical purposes at the centre for diagnosis and differential diagnosis of persons with motor speech disorders such as those associated with dysarthria, aphasia, among others. The database is also being used for research purposes. The results are also under consideration for publishing in reputed journals for wider dissemination of database.




Comparative study of phonology, syntax and morphology in Indian Sign Language of deaf signers in narration and discourse mode (A collaborated project - Wholly funded by AIISH Research Fund, AIISH, Mysore)


                                    Principal Investigators      -  Prof. R. Manjula

                                    Co-Investigator               -  Dr. Gouri Shanker Patil


          Objectives of the project  - The ISL is less studied language even though it is being used by millions of deaf persons in India. The empirical study of ISL was not well carried out before. The project aims to explore features of Indian Sign Language (ISL) in terms of phonology, syntax, and morphology. This is being done in 2 different modes of language expression – spontaneous narration and dialogue mode. The outcome of the study will help in deeper and scientific understanding of ISL.


          Outcome – The results revealed distinct aspects of Indian Sign Language in various linguistic domains including phonological parameters of hand shape, orientation, and location in ISL, morphological structures in word formation including single lexicon or compound words, manual markers for plurals, tense, etc. The study also revealed sentence structure of Indian Sign Language. The results will be published in reputed journals on priority basis.





I)    Study on the problems faced by the hearing impaired at their work places


                                   Principal Investigator        -  Dr. A.K. Sinha

                                  Co-Investigators               -  Mr. R. Bhattacharya

                                                                        -  Dr. S.B. Rathnakumar


Objectives of the Project –


  • To identify the problems faced by the persons with hearing impairment at work place
  • To find out the level of job satisfaction among the deaf employee
  • To suggest the solution of the problems faced by the persons with hearing impairment at work place
  • To assess the kind of support required viz. financial, medical, physical or socio-psychological


Progress of the Project –


  1. A total of 300 hearing impaired adults in the age range of 22-60 years employed in the different regions within the country were included in this study. It was ensured that equal no. of subjects were included from each region.


  1. The questionnaire titled ”Problem identification scale of hearing impaired at their work place” was delivered to each of the subject and their responses were analyzed on 3 point rating scale such as ‘yes, “sometimes” and “no”. The data was analyzed under six dimensions such as social, psychological, economical, attitude of employer, barrier free environment and harassment.


  1. 43.3% hearing impaired employees reported that they frequently feel isolated at their work place due to hearing disability, only 15% of hearing impaired employees reported that they do not feel isolated


  1. Most of the hearing impaired employees (45%) faced problems to interact with other employees at their work place due to hearing disability.  The same is true in participating group meeting, difficulty to understand co-workers or other employees at their work place. etc.,


  1. 50% of hearing impaired employees reported that their hearing impairment does not obstruct them from attending office party at their work place. However, It does not make them feel confident at their work place.


vi)   Further, they reported that hearing loss does not create any problem to carry out their work at their work place. However, some times their hearing impairment make them upset or distress and frustrated. But their hearing impairment does not hamper their personal life both at their work place and in the society.


II)    Mobile Phone Assisted Remote Speech Therapy Platform


                                    Principal Investigator       -  Mrs. Anjali Kant

                                    Co-Investigator               -  Ms. Sadhana Relekar



Objectives of the Project –


  • To enable patients with speech disorder to avail speech therapy remotely at a time of their convenience, thereby making it possible for patients from all over India to be integrated into society.
  • To enable a fresh graduate and/or experienced speech therapist to have a practice with nominal monetary investments to increase the reach of their services.


Progress of the Project –

The mobile phone app was developed for providing therapy for improvement of articulation of /k/, /g/, /sh/, /s/, and /ch/ sounds. Mobile app is now available on google play store (limited access.


III)     Speech, Language, and Hearing Outcomes in Children using Cochlear Implant Fitted under ADIP Scheme – A Multi Centric Study


                                    Principal Investigator       -  Dr. Gauri Shankar Patil

                                    Co-Investigators              -  Dr. Vakil Prasad Sah

                                                                           Dr. Ganesh Joshi

                                                                           Mr. B. Srinivasa Rao

                                                                           Mr. Lanu Wanboy

                                                                           Mr. Sujoy Makar

                                                                           Mrs. Gauri Telang

                                                                           Mr. Shiv Shankar


Objectives of the Project : To  examine speech, language, and hearing outcomes in children using cochlear implant fitted under ADIP scheme. Specifically, the study involves progress of children in terms of development of phonology, semantics and auditory perception skills. To design a basic model FM device, that will be incorporated in the analog pocket model hearing aid.


Progress of the Project  : (i) 153 beneficiaries with congenital severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss with no associated disabilities were included for the study. They were all fitted with unilateral cochlear implant under ADIP Scheme from different regional centres. They attended AVT for a period of one year                             


ii) Both the receptive and expressive vocabulary was analysed of these children. It was found that they have acquired both receptive and expressive vocabulary upto age of 2 ½ years.


iii) These children were able to understand simple sentences and conversation and able to expressed in 3-4 words per sentences., However, significant variation were seen in scores among these children due to several factors like regularity in therapy, input from parents, device used etc.,


iv) The study suggested that -  1) the children and their parents should be encouraged to attend therapy regularly 2) the parents need to be empowered to teach their children at home.



                                    Principal Investigator                  -  Dr. V.P. Sah

                                    Co-Investigator               -  Mr. Sudhanshu Kumar Vikas


Objectives of the Project – To develop a check list for screening school student with hearing impairment


Progress of the Project – Data was collected in 11 primary schools consisting of 9 government schools of UP Government and 2 private schools.

A total no. of 5702 children were screened for hearing using portable pure tone audiometer. A checklist was given to class teachers of these schools to find out the hearing status of these children.

A preliminary analysis of data has indicated that the hearing loss found among these children in the range of 8-20%.


V) Profiling of children attending early intervention programme at AYJNISHD

    Regional Centre, Janla

                                    Principal Investigator       -  Mr. Lanu Wanboy Aimol

                                    Co-Investigator               -  Mr. Ajay Kumar Mahapatra

                                                                           Dr. Elizabeth

                                                                           Dr. Gouramma

                                                                           Mrs. Usha Mishra


Objectives of the Project – To find out educational level attained by children with hearing impairment in normal schooling after attending early intervention at AYJNISHD(D), Regional Centres to develop a check list for screening school student with hearing impairment


Progress of the Project - 

  1. There is a discrepancy in the age of identification, age of fitting of hearing aids and age of starting the intervention


  1. There is positive picture of the attendance, academic performance and social participation of children with hearing impairment which can be attributed to the efforts taken at the preschool centre.


  1. However, there is poor vocational placement for these children.

The study thus has emphasised the importance of early identification and intensive quality intervention


VI)  Fabrication of Manual Self Lift Harness system for Prevention of Pressure Ulcers in Persons with Locomotor Disability


                                   Principal Investigator        -  Mrs. Aruna Ravipathi


Prototype completed in March, 2017.  Details of prototype to be shared with ALIMCO, Kanpur.




VII) To develop a hand booklet for awareness creation for persons with disabilities and elderly person


                                    Principal Investigator                  -  Mrs. Poonam Sachdev


The project is completed and outcome of the same is in the format of booklet which is ready and the same was submitted to academic committee and Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, New Delhi.                 





I) Development of test of Reading Comprehension in Bengali           


                                   Principal Investigator                  -  Mr. B.N.Rao

                                    Co-Investigators              -  Mr. Indranil Chatterjee and

   Mr. Saikat Das                    


Objectives of the Project –


(i) To select story based text and General text

          (ii) To develop test questions

          (iii) To develop scoring and interpretation strategies         


Progress of the project -   The test material has been developed in three levels for assessing children studying in Class I, II and III and between the age range from 6 to 9 years.  Test material in each level consist of test items for assessing paragraph reading in knowledge, understanding and application levels and sentence sequencing.  The developed test (TORCB) is being used for assessment of reading comprehension in Bengali for children with hearing impairment of age range of 6 to 9 years at regional centre, Kolkata and can be used by the Special Educators in West Bengal.


II) Descriptive research on gynaecological problems of women with disabilities at CRC, Bhopal


                                    Principal Investigator                  -  Dr. G.A. Joshi             


Objectives of the Project – To study gynaecological problems of women with disabilities

Progress of the Project – It is found that the delayed menarche, menstrual problems, home deliveries, chornic health problems, poor access and poor compliance for medication were common among women with disabilities. Absence of women with visual impairment was conspicuous in the study. Despite repeated telephonic persuasion and reimbursement of conveyance, the poor participation indicates a disregard of women’s health issues among the women with disabilities and their caregivers.  This warrants an ethnic research (qualitative study) and steps to enhance awareness about women’s health.


iii) Incidence of Hearing Impairment in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Sikkim and Odisha


                                    Principal Investigator       -  Dr. Gauri Shankar Patil

                                    Co-Investigators              -  Incharges of RCs & CRCs and HOD,



Objectives of the Project – To determine incidence of hearing loss in the states of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Sikkim and Odisha with respect to gender, type of hearing loss, degree of hearing loss. To determine the various causes of hearing loss.

 Progress of the Project – (i) The proforma for data collection was validated (ii) The validated proforma was sent to all the co-investigators for data collection (iii) The data was collected at AYJNISHD, RC, Secunderabad and Janla (iv) It was found that incidence of hearing loss was more in (a) males than females (b) acquired hearing loss than congenital (c) sensorineural hearing loss than any other type and (d) profound than any other degree.  Further, ear discharge was found to be common cause for conductive hearing loss and presbycusis in elder population.     




I) Profiling of children attending early intervention programme at AYJNIHH, TCTD, Bhubaneshwar


Principal Investigator         -  Mr Lanu Aimol

Co-Investigator                 -  Mr Ajay Mahapatra                 


Objectives of the Project – (i) To find out the educational level attained by children with hearing impairment in normal schooling after attending early intervention at Regional Centre, Janla (ii) To study the vocational placement of the individuals and (iii) To find out the social participation of the individuals.

Outcome of the Project - The finding of this small scale study can guide professionals, policymakers and ground-level practitioners towards fulfilling the mandate given by the programmes and schemes.



I) Perspectives of Parents of the Children Implanted under ADIP Scheme


                                   Principal Investigator       -  Dr. Aparna Nandurkar

   Co-investigator                 -  Mrs. Ravali P. Mathur                         


Objectives of the Project – (1) To develop a questionnaire to obtain feedback from parents of children implanted under ADIP scheme; (2) To obtain information from parents using the developed questionnaire in the following areas (a) Pre-Surgery (b) Surgery (c) Post-Surgery – Therapy, Mapping, Care and maintenance and Service and repair (3) To obtain an overall satisfaction rating from parents using  Visual Analog Scale (4) To obtain suggestions from parents for betterment of the scheme.


Outcome of the Project - The study has come up with the compilation of information on parental satisfaction and challenges related to pre and post-operative Cochlear Implantation rehabilitation and services and suggestions for improvement of the scheme.


II) Development of Pre Cochlear Implantation Counselling Protocol for Children Implanted under ADIP Scheme


                                   Principal Investigator       -  Dr. Aparna Nandurkar

     Co-investigator               -  Mrs. Ravali P. Mathur          


Objectives of the Project – (1) To develop a common protocol for pre-Cochlear Implantation counselling of parents (2) To field test the developed protocol.


Outcome of the Project - A common protocol for pre counselling of parents for the child’s Cochlear Implantation is developed. This protocol will provide parents with the best knowledge regarding services involved in the process of Cochlear Implantation under ADIP scheme. It will clear out misconceptions regarding the surgical procedure and the child’s development after Cochlear Implantation.


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